
Serving Diverse Learning Needs at 沙巴体育足球

威彻斯特走读学校的学术卓越记录已经跨越了六十多年. Our students go on to the finest day schools in the tri-state area, 进入一流大学,在自己选择的领域成为世界级的专业人士. Their journey to the top begins at and is cultivated by Westchester Day School. Our outstanding 教师 is made up of experienced, professionally-trained, 热情和关怀的教师,通过不断寻求方法来提高他们的知识和教学技能,以成长为导向的方法. Using a mix of proven, research-based methodology and innovative, creative instruction, 沙巴体育足球开户的教育体系旨在满足每个学习者的需求,并鼓励他们发挥学术潜力.
Dear Westchester Day School Community,

We are excited to announce upcoming school initiatives for the 2023-2024 school year. 这些都是1月份向社区传达的服务不同学习者项目的结果. Consistent with the 教育目标 that were articulated earlier in the year, 沙巴体育足球开户正在制定一项多年计划,以加强沙巴体育足球开户为沙巴体育足球不同学习者提供的支持, both in terms of intervention and enrichment.  With the 支持 of a group of funders led by Miriam and Ari Loren, we have spent this year researching, 分析, 以及集思广益的方法来创造一个深思熟虑的、有意的计划,以增加沙巴体育足球开户为威彻斯特走读学校所有学生服务的能力. 

Overview of Initiatives

响应式课堂:沙巴体育足球开户的学校社区正在开始学习和采用核心原则和实践 Responsive Classroom. 响应式课堂是一种基于证据的教学方法,专注于吸引学者, positive community, effective management, and developmental awareness. 最初的团队, including administrators 和教育工作者, is in the process of completing a 4-day intensive training. This team will work with the ELT to grow this program across our school. 明年, we will begin to implement specific practices from Responsive Classroom. 
飞5 SEL 课程: The Center For Responsive Schools, organization that developed Responsive Classroom, recently developed the 飞5 SEL 课程. 该课程将取代沙巴体育足球开户现有的SEL课程,以配合响应式课堂. The lessons explicitly teach a set of social and emotional competencies, namely cooperation, 自信, 责任, 同理心, and self-control (C.A.R.E.S.).

社会和情感学习协调员:沙巴体育足球开户很高兴沙巴体育足球开户的两位SEL协调员, Donna Levinson and Nicole Plasky, will be taking the lead on implementing The 飞5 curriculum across our school. Donna will take on this role for Ganon while continuing as a 4’s classroom teacher.  Nicole will devote all of her time at 沙巴体育足球 to this role for grades K-8. In collaboration with the ELT,y will both 支持 the growth and long-term success of Responsive Classroom, 飞5, and SEL language/structures throughout our school. 
英语作为一门新语言(ENL)协调员:随着沙巴体育足球开户越来越多的学生需要ENL支持, we are so happy that Ari Toledano will take on this new role, in addition to his classroom responsibilities. With Ari’s 支持, 沙巴体育足球开户将精简和提高教育非英语母语学生的能力,无论是在课堂上还是在小范围的目标群体中. 

儿童早期 Intervention Coordinator: As we know from research, early identification and intervention are critical for child development. 劳伦·卡普兰期待着利用她在人类发展和特殊教育方面的背景,与幼儿团队合作,战略性地支持学生的发展, 行为, 感觉, and learning needs to set them up for future success. 
Shefa中心 Consultation:  Connected to the Shefa学校, Shefa中心 is a hub for professional development, consultation, and training. Westchester Day School will partner with the Shefa中心 to better understand, 支持, and educate our students with diverse learning needs. 明年, consultants from the Shefa中心 will visit our school, observe classrooms and non-classroom times, 与教育工作者和行政部门会面,继续规划沙巴体育足球开户作为一个社区的下一步行动. 

作为一个学校社区,沙巴体育足球开户都为成长和学习感到兴奋和鼓舞,并相信这项工作将对沙巴体育足球开户所有的学生产生强大的影响, 家庭, 和教育工作者. As we move forward with these initiatives, we are committed to continued research, 评价, 以及对沙巴体育足球开户下一步行动的周到规划,以进一步推进沙巴体育足球开户的支持和充实项目. 这些举措也是沙巴体育足球开户继续关注以课堂为基础的小组学习和差异化系统的补充,以支持沙巴体育足球开户学生的学习需求. 

The Serving Diverse Learners Project Task Force
Rabbi Rockoff, Amy Ament, Naomi Adler, and Lauren Kaplan 


856 Orienta Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543


威彻斯特走读学校是一所现代正统,男女同校,双课程,幼儿到8岁th 这是一所犹太学校,以他们自己的方式激励和教育沙巴体育足球开户的学生重视人性, 一下, and lifelong learning.